Lead Management and Marketing
Simplified “conversational” data entry and powerful sales task automation result in increased sales, reduced paperwork, and greater prospect/resident face time. This user-friendly interface:
- Enhances the prospect experience
- Improves sales efficiency
- Maximizes marketing effectiveness
Prospect Management
Remember that prospect you were supposed to send informative content to? Neither does your sales rep. Managing potential residents is a long and slow process, and it can get hard trying to keep up with each new lead that comes through the pipeline. Our prospect manager is one of the key features designed to ensure you never wonder whether that lost lead could have been a resident.
From the moment you input a lead into your system, iaRetirementHomeSoftware enables you to send automated marketing content at pre-set intervals, set important reminders for specific leads and even track how many times sent content has been opened for further inquiry. This means that you’ll always be able to see exactly where each lead lies on your pipeline, and which need more attention.Tour Planner® lets you plan and organize tours tailored to your prospects’ hot buttons. Automated workflows coordinate all tour-related activities to ensure a heart-warming prospect experience.When your new prospects are finally ready to become residents, our specially designed Move-in Planner®makes this transition as seamless as possible.
Prospect management will help your community:
- Improve sales and revenues
- Maximize marketing effectiveness
- Reduce Costs
- Eliminate lead breakage and maximize conversion ratios
- Effectively track expenses
- Increase prospect/resident face time
Move-In Planner®
When your prospect is finally ready to move into your community, Move-In Planner® acts as the hand-off between your sales and operations department. This particular feature of iaRetirementHomeSoftware enables your team to work as efficiently as possible by minimalizing the process of becoming a resident. Move-In enables your operations staff to add a new resident and virtually collect all prospect information previously collected by the sales team. This transfer system reduces the redundancy and loss of information during conversion, and makes the resident experience as smooth as possible. By allowing your sales and operations departments to collaborate all on one platform, you ensure that your staff is as productive as possible: your sales staff can focus on sales and marketing, reducing the time spent preparing prospects for residency, while your operations department can pick up the process with all the necessary prospect information transferred automatically through the system.
With a more complete view of prospect information, Move-In Planner® enables operations to see which prospects have paid deposits, what lead source generated each resident, with whom and where they will be residing all on one screen.
Tour Planner®
Tour Planner is the heart of the CRM system. Just like each customer is different, each prospect is unique from one another, and should be treated as such. Tour Planner® lets you plan organized tours tailored to your prospects’ hot buttons, ensuring each prospect has a unique and valuable experience at your community.