Do Retirement Home Communities Need a Social Media Strategy? (Part 1)
“Social Media isn’t a nuisance – it’s one of the greatest gifts your business could ask for.” The Little Blue Book of Social Enterprise Transformation – An Essential Guide for Executives –
Retirement home community operators frequently question the significance and need of a social media strategy. After all, since most communities already have an effective online presence, many sales and marketing managers believe that they have sufficiently addressed their virtual objectives. In reality, though, the mountain of evidence continues to build towards the conclusion that retirement home communities cannot afford to ignore social media any longer. Simply put, social media is a tool that takes an organization’s most valuable marketing assets – word of mouth, referrals and public relations – packages them and magnifies them exponentially. Since your company has likely invested heavily in creating an online presence, a primary benefit of adopting a social media strategy is that it directly drives your audience to your website and enables your retirement home to benefit indirectly from enhanced generic search results.
A second factor attesting to the urgency of a social media strategy stems from the statistics continually released by social media research firms. In a recent survey conducted by Pew Research, researchers indicated that internet users over the age of fifty constitute the fastest growing demographic for Facebook. They further revealed that this surge is led by women 55+. Considering that this demographic represents the prime influencer in the decision-making process regarding retirement home selection, such findings are indeed compelling! By launching marketing strategies designed to capitalize on such precise information, effective social media marketing is delivering a positive impact to some of the leading senior housing and retirement home communities across North America.
For an owner or manager of a retirement community, the reality is that your brand is the sum of the conversations that people are having about your organization – and today, many of these conversations are taking place online, inside social networks. As a sales and marketing professional, you must engage in these conversations. If you are not actively participating in these conversations with your existing and future customers, then someone else certainly will!
Fortunately, social media tools and practices can be readily learned and adopted by your organization. The effective use of these new marketing channels can exponentially broaden your reach and allow you to communicate with speed and immediacy, driving substantial traffic to your local retirement community websites. However, before rushing into the “nuts and bolts” of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and blogging, it is critical to start with your business objectives and marketing strategy. As expressed by Chris Kirubi in the following quote, a clearly integrated marketing strategy is essential to ensure that you differentiate yourself from your competitors.
“You don’t need a social media strategy – You need a brand strategy that leverages social media. Don’t get off the brand strategy just because there’s a new communication channel; that’s how you lose the plot as a brand. Technology is the tail, not the dog.”
Chris Kirubi, Chairman of Coca Cola Nairobi
The first step in developing your marketing and social media strategy is to thoroughly understand the online audience. To begin, you must determine where your audience is online and listen intently to its sentiments and discussions regarding your brand. Listening is a key element of effective online conversations. Only by listening first can you appreciate the appropriate tone and frequency for your audience. Free tools such as Klout and Google Alerts are all essential to monitor online chatter regarding your brand. More elaborate tools such as Radian6 are also available from forward thinking companies such as These tools can help you listen and tune in to the conversations that are relevant to your customers.
Just as you would in building your marketing plan, an effective social media plan must consider customer segmentation – the types of people that participate in your online community. As you start to listen to these online conversations, you will notice that your audience participates in online conversations in different ways. According to Forrester Research, a market research firm that tracks the adoption of social media across categories, there are ‘creators’ who write content and produce podcasts and videos, ‘critics’ who post comments, ratings and reviews, ‘joiners’ who create profiles and participate in these sites, ‘spectators’ who read, listen and watch the content created by others, and ‘inactives’ who do not actively participate in online conversations. Finally, any good social media strategy should include measurable targets, such as daily story feedback, blog analytics, share-of-voice, search volume and inbound links.
With a social media strategy in hand, you are now ready to create or participate in an online community. If you are new to this, like many retirement home managers, I advise the ‘Crawl…Walk…Run’ approach. Start slowly with low-risk, low-volume experiments, regularly measuring results and assessing the impact on your business. Based on these indicators, broaden your strategy accordingly.
In conclusion, social media is about creating and fostering a vibrant online community and participating in live conversations with your customers. In the next issue we will look at: the choice of social media platforms, specialized senior living groups, and the benefits that retirement homes can derive from social media.
I look forward to having you join our discussions over the next few months!
Follow us on Twitter @LarryWieskopf
The Occupany Challenge (Part 3) Improve your Sales and Marketing Process!
As a follow-up to our recent articles addressing the occupancy challenge faced by most Retirement Home Communities, we have received numerous inquiries as to how sales and marketing directors can evaluate their existing sales and marketing processes.
According to most sales and marketing managers, inconsistencies and inefficiencies constitute the key factors obstructing the success of their existing sales and marketing processes. Unfortunately, one of the realities of single and multi-home retirement communities is the sheer number of interactions and dependencies that span the sales, marketing and operational functions. So, if your sales and marketing department is experiencing frequent miscommunication, inconsistent follow-up and lost opportunities, these problems likely stem from inefficient sales and marketing processes or unclear organizational accountability.
Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem, and many of the fastest growing mid-sized businesses have overcome this challenge by formally documenting their critical processes. Process mapping and work process charts are two of the most effective ways to document the sales and marketing process. In fact, some of the best run and fastest growing senior care communities in North America focus on improving one critical process each quarter. In my opinion, the primary sales and marketing process to address is the methodology your community uses for acquiring new residents.
To begin, a meeting with a clear agenda, such as “Improving our Sales Processes”, should be scheduled. The meeting should take place early in the morning, when personnel are fresh and less distracted by telephone calls and other work emergencies. As a Sales and Marketing Director, I highly recommend that you carefully consider whom to include at this meeting. Based on my experience, everyone involved in the process should be present, ranging from front desk administrators to sales/marketers to retirement community directors and owners. The critical idea is to be as inclusive as possible, as this is the point where the team begins to establish a consistent understanding of – activities that work well, activities that need improvement and accountability gaps that need correction. Typically, I begin the meeting by reiterating the purpose and outcome, and proceed by using a whiteboard or flipchart to document: the specific activities involved (i.e. inbound phone calls, return calls, marketing campaigns), the people responsible for each activity, and the time required to complete each action. Depending on the size of the group and the complexity of the process, a single meeting may suffice or several meetings may be required to adequately document the process. Once the existing process is defined, I challenge the participants to suggest modifications to the process that can enhance the customer experience. Usually, the ensuing session encourages a great deal of discussion, and frequently the team will identify new and exciting ways to modify and improve the method of acquiring a resident.
Formal documentation will often expose process inefficiencies. For example, when analyzing the sales process, you might quickly determine that a key step in the sales process is taking longer to complete than originally anticipated, or that the step is not being completed at all. To demonstrate, I have seen sales and marketing teams amazed to discover that their process of returning inbound inquiries takes two to three days. Not surprisingly, this is a significant problem, given that some of the best sales and marketing organizations have demonstrated that closure rates are significantly higher when a call is returned within the first fifteen minutes.
Documentation of the sales and marketing process also serves to highlight accountability and responsibility gaps. For instance, detailed work charts may reveal that your sales and marketing staff is devoting excessive hours to non-sales/marketing activities.
The final step in the process involves transcribing the work charts and mappings from a whiteboard to a digital format. This allows your team to revisit the process on a quarterly basis and make any changes and appropriate adaptations. By visiting our website, you can view a sample Retirement Home Sales and Marketing Process.
Ontario Retirement Homes Act – Implications for Your Business
With the passage of the Retirement Homes Act, seniors in Ontario living in retirement homes will be protected for the first time under provincial legislation. The goal of the Retirement Homes Act is to increase the quality of life for seniors in retirement homes – obviously a worthwhile objective.
However, for many retirement communities, the Act will force significant changes in process, procedure, documentation and reporting requirements. While 80% of the Act covers procedures and processes that most well-operated homes already address, additional documentation and audit requirements have the potential to add increased costs and administrative burden to the operation of a retirement community.
For example, retirement homes will need to redefine many of their current procedures to ensure that they accommodate the requirements of the new Act. Many existing hard copy reports and computer printouts will have to be redesigned and possibly reworked to match the requirements of the Act. The Act also mandates that specific new documentation be maintained and stored at the community level, and be accessible whenever homes are called upon by certified inspectors. Like any significant change to existing operating processes, this change, if not managed appropriately, carries with it the risk of placing additional pressure and administrative workload on the important caregivers in your retirement home or senior care community.
The good news is that the Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA) has been well ahead of this legislation, working with its members to prepare them for this change. An excellent source of information on these new reports and processes will be available in the upcoming ORCA Tool Kit.
In the coming months we will examine in greater detail the implications of the Ontario Retirement Homes Act on your business. We will also review how technology solutions can help you maintain compliance with the Act. Specifically, we will address the extensive reporting requirements now demanded by the Act and discuss how technology and systems can improve reporting efficiency and ease the transition.
Quick Links
Ontario Retirement Homes Act – Bill 21
Ontario Retirement Home Market Analysis
Ontario Retirement Home Market Analysis – Supplementary Charts
Ontario Retirement Communities Association